Monday, November 12, 2012

Membership Drive

Highlands Elementary PTO

Dear Scottie families,

We would like to take a moment to thank you for your donation to our school Highlands Elementary! We recognize the efforts that all parents put in to support their children whether it be a monetary donation to the school, volunteer time, and/or expertise! Everything that YOU do is appreciated by all, thank you.
During our “Membership Drive” this year we wanted to share with you what was achieved! Here are a few interesting statistics:
1.   We raised $5000 for Highlands Elementary that is 1/3 of our goal!
2.   There are 612 students enrolled and 140 students contributed.
3.   The average donation per student was $28.36 of the 150 students that donated to the school.
 If 612 students donated we would reach our goal of $15000.00
Some of you may have noticed during Parent/Teacher conferences last week each teacher had a graph outside their door that showed the class participation of the Membership Drive. We would like to recognize the efforts of Mrs. Burke’s 5th Grade Class with the highest total of $475.00 to date! Also, Mrs. Simpson’s class had 11 students participate in the donation! Great way to keep the Scottie spirit moving forward teachers!
Last year Highlands PTO donated over $40,000.00 to the school! This went to books, electronics, sponsored Field Trips, building security and so on!
We are working hard to give our students the best experience possible while they are at Highlands Elementary. Membership donations are received all year! If you should choose to contribute again to our school we would greatly appreciate it!
Go Scotties!
Highlands PTO

2022 Colonist Park Drive Sugar Land, Texas 281-634-4160
For further information regarding Highlands PTO please contact Rebecca Perel, President at